All orders that are received by December 19, 2024 at 11:00 noon and are executable will be shipped before the end of the year. After that, our office and shipping department will be closed. We will be available again as usual from January 6, 2025.
We wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and a successful start to the New Year!
About us
Our Story
The name AmberPickups stands for high-quality pickups that convince with their extremely good sound characteristics. Our work is based on our own sound ideas, visions and comparisons with historical instruments. From this fund we draw ideas for new products or gain knowledge to better understand historical models.
For the development and design of pickups, for example, this means that we pay particular attention to achieving a high degree of transparency and the greatest possible dynamic behavior with perfect response.
This has enabled us to set milestones, such as the
94 Classic (1994), which is now also built by many other major pickup and guitar manufacturers; or the wax-free construction principle for humbuckers (2007), which reconciles the special sound standard of a vintage pickup with modern requirements.
Today, we also work with physicists, laboratories and engineers to gain new insights, develop and implement ideas or optimize manufacturing processes.
Besides the few standard models that we show here on the web presentation, we also build many special models for various guitar manufacturers in Germany and Europe.
Probably you have already played one or the other guitar equipped with Amber pickups. In any case, we are happy when our pickups enrich your sound and you have even more fun playing your guitar!
Your team from AmberPickups
Fabian Wolter, Wolfgang Damm, Kerstin, Robert & Yvonne